Regarding hosting providers, my scripts are tested on:
Detailed cpanel guide:
More documentation about script can be found on:
Install Android Studio, tested on v1.5.1
Java Development Kit is required: tested on jdk1.7.0_75
Required Android packages: used on testing
Open project in Android Studio
In app/src/main/res/values/string.xml populate your configuration, specifically:
<string name="script_url"></string> <string name="files_url"></string> <string name="thumbnails_url"></string> <string name="lang_code">en</string> <string name="property_uri">property</string> <string name="website_enabled">true</string>
Website enable should be "false" if you don't have website portal version.
You should get Google API key, proccess is described here:
When you get API key then set it to app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="your-api-key-paste-here"/>
Connect your mobile device to PC (drivers may be required)
Click Play/Run button and follow instructions
In app/src/main/res/values/string.xml populate your configuration you should define:
<string name="lang_code">en</string>
And translate all text below
Other translations is related to web script, detailed guide:
Guide is available here:
You should change logo and maybe colors, icons
You can change icons/images in drawable folder:
Colors can be changed in:
If you need some special customization please check this:
Follow guide for release certificate:
You should change icon and replace package names, in other case google may suspend your app from market very fast:
After that follow Google guides:
If you have troubles or don't have time, because it's not trivial process we providing such service for additional cost, check:, part "Prepare Android App to market"
Now we have special website made for support, frequency questions for customizations, guides for basic CSS/HTML, tips & tricks etc.:
Regarding hosting providers, my scripts are tested on:
And my suggestion if you decide to purchase by other hosting provider, please save your money/time and don’t buy from godaddy, goddady is good for domains but not for hosting because of many configuration limitations!
I've used the following files and services as listed:
Thank you so much for purchasing this application. I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this app. No guarantees, but I will do my best to help.